Saturday, September 19, 2009


As Women we weave many threads that together spin a rich, opulent, delicious and celebratory tapestry! It is totality of us,we are a magnificent totality. It is the wholeness or holy-ness of Woman. We are sacred vessels filled with dreams, magic, vision, courage and story. We are overflowing with the ability to pour out of ourselves, from the very heart-core of our beings, love, nourishment, tenderness, care and creation. We are able to climb great, treacherous mountains and go deep, deep down into murky, soulless, dead valleys and still rise up again to greet and breathe the golden sunrise.

Let us celebrant in our Sacredness - the Sacredness of being Woman!

With the Spring Equinox upon us here in the Southern Hemisphere there are many gifts to celebrate - Mother Earth is giving us a moment of a golden sunrise - the energy of Earth is here to renew, refresh and reveal. Like the Autumn equinox, it is a time to consider harvest. What have we as Women harvested from our long period of inward Winter time? What have we learnt about ourselves, and our world? These are the things, however small, that we must take time to rejoice in as they will now carry us forth into the more social and outward time of the year. With good grace they will carry us forward through our lives as vital lessons and blossoming growth in our Souls. Light a candle each morning in a special place in your home to remind you of this yearly moment of golden sunrise - let it ignite in you the gratitude we must all learn to feel towards ourselves. Celebrate yourself!

Let the dancing flame inspire in you your inner child - for Spring is about our children both literally, and the one living within our hearts. What seeds does your child wish to plant for the coming months?

Personally for me I am harvesting the skill of 'letting go'. Yes, it can be painful yet always fills one with space and peace. As a dear old freind of mine and extremeley wise Elder, Leo, was always reminding me - "Let go and Let God". Whatever or whoever your God is - may you let go and expand!! When you let go the Universe will always take care of you and your life.

The seeds I wish to plant I hope will grow and create stepping stones for me to walk upon - step by step, to celebrate life more and encourage others to celebrate themselves as Sacred Women!

BLESSINGS ON YOUR EQUINOX be you in the North or the South! Let all those candle flames encircle our world and bring deep peace and love.